PHISO is a legal body registered under the number 239/054/55 It is recognized by the Government of Nepal and tax-exempted.

Schooling / Education Introduction

The education of the world’s children is high on the global agenda. In the context of education for all, all children should receive free, good quality education. The reality is that millions of the world’s children are too poor to benefit from the declaration, unless there are special interventions that target their development. The children of Nepal come under this category. Despite the Nepali government’s effort to improve education for all, caste differences and poverty still influences access to education, particularly quality education. They not only are deprived of education because they cannot afford it but also because they are low caste by birth and born in remote areas where there are no schools. Acknowledging the need to reach out to the poorest children of the remote villages Experimental Pre-Primary School was established in 5, June 1996.